Phone 01775 725457 and 01775 711082, email lotusguru@kelsport.net Northgate Mill, Northgate, Pinchbeck, Lincolnshire PE11 3SQ
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Phone 01775 725457 and 01775 711082, email lotusguru@kelsport.net Northgate Mill, Northgate, Pinchbeck, Lincolnshire PE11 3SQ
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Incorporating Team Deville

Concentric Clutch Kit – Hydraulic

£425.50 ex vat

2 in stock


This is a complete concentric clutch kit to fit all 4 speed 2000E Ford gearboxes.

Does away with all the old arm clips and slave cylinder that gets cooked by the exhaust.

Ideal for race applications with sintered clutches.


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