Phone 01775 725457 and 01775 711082, email lotusguru@kelsport.net Northgate Mill, Northgate, Pinchbeck, Lincolnshire PE11 3SQ
Click here to find us on Google Maps
Phone 01775 725457 and 01775 711082, email lotusguru@kelsport.net Northgate Mill, Northgate, Pinchbeck, Lincolnshire PE11 3SQ
Click here to find us on Google Maps


Incorporating Team Deville

How to use website

There are several simple steps.

1)Select the car and then the product range.

2)Select product and then click on image and add to basket.

3)Add your list to the basket.

4)Once finished shopping click on basket and check you shopping list.

5)Then progress to check out.

6)Complete all your details carefully and accurately.

7)Select Card payment or Bank transfer, then tick the terms and conditions box and press PAY. It should take about 15 seconds.

8) We will charge postage separately.

8)You will receive an emailed confirmation to your email address.